Queens Park & Maida Vale
Deserves Better!

Your Candidate for MP
Irakli Menabde
We are the voice of the working people of Britain, not the echo of mainstream parties and their empty promises.
Tories are done - but that's no reason to vote for Labour!
Queens Park & Maida Vale
Deserves Better!

Your Candidate for MP
Irakli Menabde
Tories are finished - but that's no reason to vote for Labour!
Our Manifesto For Queens Park Maida Vale
  • Affordable, Decent, Social Housing

    We will make sure councils start building more, affordable and decent social housing, locally where it is most needed.

    Labour plans to build homes in the countryside on the Green Belt, when the houses needed are in cities.

  • Save the NHS - no privatisation
    Workers Party stands for free public health care for all. We want to undo all the damage done to the NHS by Labour and Tories and then make improvements. No more empty words about waiting lists and profiteering.

    Labour advocates for private health, private health insurance and more privatisation of the NHS just like the Tories.
  • Community led Redevelopment
    We will deliver more Build To Rent homes in local communities that are affordable for the local residents.

    Labour, much like the Tories will continue to facilitate Build to Rent apartment blocks in city centres that are too expensive for locals and just become foreign investments or holiday homes for overseas millionaires.
  • Bring in Children's Online Wellbeing Act
    We want to protect our children from addictive social media that leads to mental health, lack of confidence and self-harm issues. We want to limit enhanced content and all advertising to under-18s. That means taking on big Social Media companies in the Parliament to protect our future.

    None of the mainstream parties would dare take on big corporate social media companies. This reason alone should be enough for you to vote for an independent party this election.
  • Stop the Genocide in Gaza

    We are not afraid to call it what it is - Genocide! Most people agree with us, but the mainstream parties are simply ignoring the people. Make your vote Count! We do, by also supporting students!

    Starmer's Labour stands for relative reticence to criticise Israel. He said they have the right to cut off all water, food and electricity. He has never condemned any of the bombing of refugee camps killing hundreds at a time. That is unforgivable.

  • Reduce Bills - Nationalise the Utilities
    Water and the Rail sectors are the prime examples of disastrous privatisation by Labour and the Tories. We stand for nationalising the utilities.

    Labour - a supposedly left-wing party, can't even name 3 industries they would nationalise.

    For the full national manifesto of Workers Party of Britains visit www.workerspartybritain.org.
Irakli Menabde is a husband and a father with an extensive Financial Services and Technology background in London and overseas. His entire career has been about building and investing in Environmentally Friendly solutions and Technologically empowering companies throughout his career. From Building Hydro Dams and investing in Wind Turbines, to leading UK's top Technology companies and empowering Small and Medium Size Enterprises to compete on a global scale. He is running as a Workers Party Candidate for Member of Parliament in the Queen's Park Maida Vale Constituency in the upcoming 2024 General Election.

About Irakli Menabde
Candidate MP for Queen's Park and Maida Vale Constitutency
Irakli Menabde is a husband and a father with an extensive Financial Services and Technology background in London and overseas. His entire career has been about building and investing in Environmentally Friendly solutions and Technologically empowering companies throughout his career. From Building Hydro Dams and investing in Wind Turbines, to leading UK's leading Technology companies and empowering Small and Medium Size Enterprises to compete on a global scale. He is running to be the Member of Parliament for the Queen's Park Maida Vale Constituency in the upcoming 2024 General Election.

Why People Vote For Workers Party of Great Britain
"The British Middle Class is now 20% POORER than the German Middle Class. For lower income households they are now 30% poorer! But the Rich - are just as wealthy as in Germany. I have given up believing Tories and Labour - we need a change to the Uniparty!"
Alex Larins
Driver - Queens Park
"London is ruled by Labour politicians, but Houmelesness has doubled, schools are crumbling, infant mortality is rising, wait lists are longer than ever - our city and our communities are crumbling! Workers Party of Britain are the only alternative to Labour's failure in London."
Ahmed Talibi
Graphic designer - Church Street
"Workers Party of Britain was the only Party that was calling a Genocide a Genocide from the start! Labour was basically mincing words and allowing massacres to carry on in Gaza and justifying starvation as acceptable. That alone makes me sick and that is why as a lifelong Labour voter I give my vote to the Workers Party."
Sarah Lewin
Nurse - Westbourne
Our new parliamentary constituency is going to be called:

Queen's Park and Maida Vale.

But Places are more than simply locations on a map.
  1. An end to imperialist wars and financial domination, starting with withdrawal from Nato.
  2. Rebuild British industry and abolish the antiworker ‘rationalisation’ that puts profits ahead of people to provide useful, secure jobs for all in decent conditions, with living wages, paid holidays, sick leave, maternity leave, etc.
  3. Decent, cheap, secure housing for all.
  4. High-quality, free pre-school childcare and education, followed by high-quality, free, lifelong education and vocational training.
  5. Free and comprehensive healthcare with no waiting lists, accompanied by easy access to cheap and nutritious food.
  6. Public, high quality laundries, crèches and dining facilities that enable women to take part in work and public life without prejudice or physical barriers.
  7. High-quality, free provision of all necessary support services for the disabled, as well as the elderly. Full state support to enable families to look after their elderly, with nursing homes and sheltered accommodation for those in need of it, so that all workers are able to live full, dignified and meaningful lives.
  8. Universal access to a cheap or free fully-integrated public transport system and all essential amenities: water, sanitation, heating, electricity, post, telephone, internet.
  9. Open and easy access to all forms of culture and the media.
  10. A government that prioritises giving resources to the solving of urgent problems such as the need to live sustainably and protect our natural environment, putting science at the service of the people.
My Schedule - Join Me
May 2024
Sunday, June 23
14:00 - Canvassing Kilburn
Tuesday, June 25
18:15 - Community Engagement Event

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Copyright 2024 Irakli Menabde for Queen's Park and Maida Vale. All rights reserved.

Promoted by Workers Party of Britain, 91 Church Road, Birmingham, B13 9EA
Main Site of the Party
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